

Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 5 PM
Visitor Center is open.

Blade Sign Permissions

Attention businesses!
Blade signs are permitted in any Northampton Business District. These permissions do not extent to office-industrial, industrial, neighborhood, or for pre-existing non-confirming businesses outside of Business Districts. The following guidelines have been provided by the city.

Business signs shall be permitted as a two-sided projecting blade sign (i.e., small signs that project perpendicular to the building) as follows:

(1) There shall only be one blade sign per business. If there is more than one business in the same building, there may not be more than one sign per 20 feet of frontage on the same building.

(2) Only businesses on the first floor of a building may have a blade sign.

(3) The sign may not project more than three feet from the facade of a building.

(4) The sign may not exceed six square feet of total surface area per sign.

(5) The sign may not exceed two inches in width.

(6) The bottom of the sign shall not be less than nine feet and the top of the sign shall not be less than 15 feet, both measured above the sidewalk.

(7) The sign shall not be internally lit.

(8) Blade signs shall be located on the same lot as the structure or establishment being advertised.